2020年03周: 由第二次申请 Google AdSense 失败后想到

第一次申请 Google AdSense 账号是在一年前,结果以失败告终。按当时网络上的文章来看,托管在 Github pages 上的博客是不对被通过的,作罢。

这周无意中发现,一些托管在 Github pages 上的博客申请到了 Google AdSense,于是抱着试一试的心态尝试了一把,仍然失败。Google 的回复也是非常的自大和无用。

Thank you for your interest in AdSense. After reviewing your application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program. Our AdSense program policies are designed to ensure the effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as for our advertisers. We review all publishers and we reserve the right to decline any application. If you are able to make changes to meet our program criteria, you may reapply for AdSense in the future.

完全不知道那里不能满足 Google 的要求。

你说做 Google AdSense 是为了钱吗?当然赚不到钱,就我目前博客和日记的体量,就算真的通过申请,一年也达不到能提款的程度。

就技术来说,Google 广告集成的非常好,基本上只需要一行代码,或者一个标签,就能在你的站点加上广告,就集成来说,没有技术含量。



